The world is filled with dangerous products capable of causing injury. If you or a family member suffered injury or died as a result of a dangerous or defective product, compensation made be available. At Wallace Smith LLP, we have a team of lawyers experienced with product liability who are dedicated to helping victims of defective products seek justice and receive fair compensation for their injuries.
Legal Duties of Product Manufacturers in Canada
In Canada, product manufacturers have a legal duty to provide safe products to market. If those products are defective and cause injury, you may be able to recover damages.
Common Products That Can Cause Injury Due to Defects
Some products that can cause injury because of product defects:
Ladders, tools, farm equipment, fire pits, lanterns, furnaces, batteries
Helmets, escalators, medical devices, child seats, airbags, toys or sporting goods
Recreational equipment like trampolines, mats, amusement rides or playground structures
Identifying the Liable Party in a Product Liability Case
Product liability cases can be complex.
The first challenge is identifying the appropriate party to sue. Supply chains have become increasingly layered over the past 20 years. The lawyers at Wallace Smith know how to investigate these supply chains to determine who manufactured the product, who designed it, installed/assembled it, transported it, distributed it and sold it. All these parties could potentially be liable for an injury.
Proving Liability in Product Liability Cases
The second challenge is proving liability. This requires a detailed investigation of the product to determine if was a manufacturer defect, made with low quality materials, constructed or assembled below the applicable standard, or sold with an inherent and/or dangerous flaw.
It is important to keep all documentation to assist the investigation. This includes a copy of the receipt of purchase, warranty, manual, marketing material, and any labels or warnings.
Expert Legal Support for Product Liability Claims
The lawyers at Wallace Smith appreciate the technical nature of product liability claims and the need for a detailed forensic investigation. We work with experts such as engineers. We know defective products can and do cause life altering injuries. We have decades of experience litigating personal injury claims. Our goal is to ensure our clients are fairly compensated for their injuries.
Contact Wallace Smith for Your Product Liability Claims
If you or a family member has been injured as a result of a defective or dangerous product, contact a lawyer at Wallace Smith. We offer free consultations and can meet virtually or in-person. Our team of experienced product liability lawyers is here to help you navigate the legal process and fight for the justice you deserve.